Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ice cream dress

I was browsing through an online site the other day called Kellys Clothes, when I came across an awesome little ice cream collection that they had. The prices were way too high for me though, so I thought, "Hey--I could make that!" And my quest began!

Here was my "inspiration," for lack of a better word!
My first attempt was OK--but not *exactly* what I wanted. It was WAY too long, and my applique was a tad large. Kenna still looked cute in it though!

Onward to second attempt! And I think I got it!! I finished last night while Kenna was sleeping, so I'll have to try it on today when she wakes up! It should fit much better this time!

Here's a not-so-action-ey shot!

1 comment:

  1. Everything you make is always so adorable!! You are really talented and I KNOW you could make so much money selling your things!!!!
